If installing bead board paneling seems like a huge job, don't despair. It's relatively easy.
1. Decide how high you want the bead board to come up the wall so you can figure out how much paneling you'll need. If you don't have a table saw have the sheets cut to the right size at the home center.
2. Let the panels sit in the room for a couple of days before you install them so they don't expand or contract once they're up!
3. Mark a level horizontal line on the wall where you want the top of the molding to sit. Don't depend on your floor to be level, most aren't. So leave a little space between the bottom of the bead board and the floor so if the flooring shifts the panels won't.
4. Mark the location of wall studs above the level line so you know where to install your finishing nails.
5. If you need to cut holes for electrical boxes, do it before you hang the panels. Remember measure twice, cut once.
6. Apply a paneling adhesive to the back of your sheets in a zigzag. Square the sheet up with your level line and push firmly into place on the wall. Secure it to the studs with nails.
7. To finish the top edge of the bead board, use a piece of cap molding. It has a notch at the edge to rest on the top of the panel. Finish the bottom with baseboard. I also like to install a small piece of cove molding corners to give it a clean, professional look!
8. For more information on installing moldings, check our website!