Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tree Time

It's time to put up the Christmas tree and decorate the house. If you're feeling a little bit overwhelmed, I have some tips to get you back in the Christmas spirit.
When you get your tree home, you need to let it settle. To give it a good start, cut a couple of inches off of the tree trunk, so that it can easily absorb water.
Fill a bucket with cool water and pour a cup of maple syrup into it. Then put your tree in the water and let it sit for a couple of days. The sugar in the syrup will help preserve it. Make sure that you keep that tree sheltered from the sun and the wind. Then, when you're ready to bring it inside, make sure to make a fresh cut in the trunk. If your lights were put away in a big ball last year, don't worry. unplug the strings from each other . Then you can plug them into the wall one at a time. Follow the lights to loosen the mess. A little safety tip: if you have small children or pets that seem fascinated by the tree, hang decorative bells on the lower branches. This way if anyone is too close to the tree, you'll be able to hear them. Merry To You!

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