Tuesday, September 21, 2010


How can plain old envelopes help you around the house? Well, stock up cause I have some great ideas. If filling saltshakers is sending salt flying, cut an envelope diagonally so you end up with one closed corner of the envelope and then a part you can open. Snip the closed corner and you have a perfect little funnel for those small jobs. Need a bookmark? Snip the corner off of an envelope and slip it over the corner of your page. It will fit snuggly and won't fall out like some other bookmarks can! If you need to organize piles of pictures, but you need easy access to them, try this. Seal several envelopes and then cut them in half by their length. The little pockets you're left with will hold several pictures and can easily be labeled. Use bigger envelopes in the workshop for organizing sandpaper sheets. It will keep them flat and dry and you can easily flip through and find the grade of paper you need!

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