Thursday, October 1, 2009

Building the Mrs. FIXIT home!

In the midst of a major Mrs. FIXIT home renovation! This will be our new home studio when it's finished! Since the renovation is more than we can show you in our television news segments, I'll keep you up to date on my blog and walk you through some of the trials and tribulations of renovating! First the research, planning and hiring of the right people to get the job done. It's never to early to start a file of ideas for future home renovations and decorating desires. Collecting ideas and pictures that you like is the best way to convey to an architect and builder what your vision is for the project. I've finally finished up with layout and have the vision it's just a matter of getting it done! I've set a budget and I'm determined to keep within it. If you're doing the same, try and anticipate as much as possible before you start and always leave some room in the budget for the unexpected...because those items will show up! Later...'It's just that simple!'

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