Monday, March 29, 2010

Sweep it Up

Sweeping. It's probably not something you look forward to doing, and it usually takes some time because you have to keep going over the same area. Well, there are a few things that you can do to make it much easier. Extend the life of your broom by soaking the bristles before you use it. Just fill your sink with hot salt water. Put the broom in so that all of the bristles are covered and let it soak for ten minutes or so. Then lay it on a towel to dry. Before you start sweeping, spray the bristles of your broom with furniture polish. The polish will attract the dust and dirt. This will make sweeping a cinch because you won't have to keep going over the same area. To keep dust to a minimum, wet three or four tea bags and then rip them open. Sprinkle the damp tea leaves on the floor before you start sweeping, it will make the job a lot easier! An easy way to make sure that dust doesn't stick to your dustpan is to apply some paste wax with a soft cloth. The dirt will slide right off and out of the way!

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