Thursday, July 29, 2010

Workshop Organization

If you're like me, you're always looking for some ideas for storage and organization; well I have some great ideas to help you out in the workshop! Moisture and humidity can seriously cut the life of your sandpaper. To help it last longer store it in large plastic zipper bags. A bonus, most of these bags have a space for labeling on the front. So write the grit in the space so you can easily find the paper you need for your next project. If you have a lot of toothpaste style glue and caulk tubes, fold a length of duct tape in half and secure it to the end of the tube, creating a "tab." Punch holes in Extension cords tangled? Cut the toe out of an old sock, coil the cord and then slip the sock band around the cord. If you have a baby in the house snag the empty jars for storing small nails and hardware. To maximize storage space, screw the lids to the underside of a shelf and simply screw the jars onto their lids for storage. Another kitchen recycle that is great for storage, coffee cans. To prevent rust add a tablespoon of baking soda or kitty litter to the bottom of the can. Check the closet for paintbrush and roller cover storage. Pants hangers and tie racks can give you great storage without taking up much room!

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