Monday, November 29, 2010

Grease Stains

The Thanksgiving holiday inevitably brings grease stains, what a mess! But not one that you have to live with! With these easy ideas, those stains won't be a problem anymore.

1. Work fast. The sooner you catch it, the better luck you'll have removing it.

2. If someone spills grease on your tablecloth or placemats, put some paper towels between the fabric and the table, and apply some grease cutting dish detergent or shampoo directly on the stain. After you have finished your meal, wash the fabric as usual, the soap should have cut up the grease and washing will rinse away the soap. (Never dry an item that is stained until you're sure the stain is gone, as heat will set the stain.)

3. If the stain is on upholstery, rub some cornmeal into the stain and leave it there for a little while. The cornmeal will absorb the oil and you will see it clump a little as it does. Once the grease is absorbed just vacuum the cornmeal.

4. If the stain is right on your table or other wood furniture, sprinkle the area with baby powder and rub the powder into the stain. This will absorb the grease, then just brush away the powder and polish the wood.

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