Monday, November 8, 2010

Yard Work!

If you spend a lot of time working in your yard, there are a few annoying things that can crop up. Well, I have a few ideas that will make it a lot easier!

1. If you rake your lawn you know all about blisters. They're awful, but there's a way to rake and save your hands. Pick up some foam pipe insulation at your local hardware store. A 3/4 inch pipe is about the same size as your rake's handle. Just stretch the insulation over the length and say good-bye to those blisters.

2. To prevent garden tools from rusting, make sure that you clean them after you're done using them. An easy way to do that is to keep a bucket of sand mixed with some oil nearby. When you're finished in the garden, just jab the tools into the bucket several times. The sand will scour away stuck-on dirt and the oil will help prevent rusting.

3. Protect garden tools with automotive paste wax by simply applying a light coat to your tools.

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