Monday, February 28, 2011


Looking for some easy ways to use glue for your projects? Here are the answers you need.

1. If you have to glue a joint together and don't want the glue squishing all over, lay the pieces where they need to be and put some tape over the seam. Then, use a utility knife to cut a slit in the tape along the joint. Glue the project. When you clamp it, you can easily wipe the glue off of the tape, and when it has dried, peel the tape off and you'll have a nice clean seam.

2. To get glue out of a corner joint, flatten out the end of a drinking straw. The small tool will fit easily into those joints and the glue is pushed up inside the straw and out of the way.

3. If your glue has dried up in the bottle, add a few drops of white vinegar to the bottle and stir. It will soften it up in no time.

4. If you have ever been in the middle of a project and the glue has taken forever to get to the top of the bottle, here's a tip for you... drill several holes an inch or two apart along the length of a scrap wood block. You can store your glue bottles upside down in the holes so that the glue is always at the tip and ready to go.

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