Thursday, February 10, 2011

Paint a Room

If the thought of painting overwhelms you, remember, painting a room can be quick and easy, if you know the way to do it.

1. Move your furniture out or to the middle of the room so you have plenty of space to work. You should also tape off or cover anything you don't want to get paint on.

2. Work one wall at a time. This way if you have to stop you don't have to worry about lap marks from dried paint.

3. Do your cutting in first. Brush a small strip of paint anywhere that is hard to reach with your roller, like corners, windows and doors.

4. Line your paint pan with aluminum foil for easy clean up.

5. Soak your roller with paint and pull it over the ridges in the pan.

6. Work from the top right to bottom left of a wall. An extension handle will make the job much easier. Roll the wall with up and down zig zag motions. Work slowly so that the paint doesn't splatter.

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