Monday, February 21, 2011

Kitchen Exhaust Fan

Exhaust fans in your kitchen are designed to pull excess heat, smoke and odors out of the room. But in order for it to do it's job it's gotta be kept clean, which can be a grimy job but I have some quick tips to help you out!

1. Vinegar is going to be your best friend on this job so put some in a spray bottle and spritz up under the hood. The vinegar will cut right through that greasy buildup. Just be careful to avoid the light and fan elements.

2. Speaking of light, make sure the bulb is completely cool. Unscrew and clean that regularly too. Dust and buildup could be a fire hazard. And make sure it's completely dry before returning it to the socket.

3. Pay attention to your filters as well. Aluminum mesh filters can be pulled out and popped right in your dishwasher when it needs to be clean. Just run it through a cycle. If you have exposed fan blades, don't forget to clean those too.

4. A range of ideas to clean your exhaust fat.

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