Sunday, January 13, 2013

Dusting Louvered Doors

If you have louvered doors, you know that all of their little crevices make them really difficult to clean. I have some ways to make the job easier for you!
1. To dust in between those slats just grab a ruler or a butter knife, cover it with a soft cloth and spray it with some dusting polish. Then, insert it between the slats and run it back and forth. It's a quick and easy clean-up that gets both the top and bottom of a slat, without you having to do both sides!
2. To get the corners, try a small paintbrush instead of a feather duster. The stiffer bristles make it easier to really get the dust where it's hiding. The paintbrush also works great for the corners in the framework of regular doors.
3. To wash these doors, open the door and spread a towel underneath. Mix a little oil soap and some water in a spray bottle, and spray the door from the top down, making sure to hit all of the slats. Then use the ruler trick to clean and dry the slats. Wipe down the rest of the door with a soft cloth.

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