Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving Tips!

Thanksgiving, it sounds so peaceful getting together with friends and family. But if you're in charge it can be anything but. Well, I have some ideas to help out!

1. Sit down and make a cooking timeline, write down all of the dishes that go in the oven, the temperature they need and the cooking time. Then group things together so you're not scrambling and overstuffing the oven on the big day.

2. Chop and measure ingredients in advance, you shouldn't make the stuffing ahead of time, but there is no reason that you can't chop the celery and onions and store them in plastic in the fridge. This will save you time and mess on the big day.

3. Do yourself a favor and use a disposable roasting pan. You won't have to worry about the clean up, just remember to put a cookie sheet under the pan to make it sturdier for moving.

4. And finally, for those thanksgiving stains, have some white cloths, some club soda, lemons and shaving cream on hand. Inevitably something will get spilled. And these are all purpose stain removers.

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